
We take innovation very seriously, this is why we invest in our brand and patent most of our technologies in order to protect our intellectual property.

Whisper US 8.261.651
US 9.109.851
US 9.157.692
US 8.857 307
US 9.261.316
US 10.317.161
EP 07826926
EP 11719582
EP 12829176
EP 16790627
10x Multishot US 10.323.892 EP 16711324
10x G2 Multishot US 11,156,416 B2. EP 18765938.8
10x G3 Multishot US 11,668,545 B2 Pat.Pending
RRR, Recoil Reducing Rul US 9.863.741 EP14784494
CAT Custom Ation Trigger US 8.490.310
US 9.121.654
EP 08875591
EP 12832733
SAT Smooth Action Triger US 8.490.310
US 9.121.654
EP 08875591
EP 12832733
Stock Cover US 7.823.319 EP 4766972
Sourmolding barrels US 6.539.659 —-
CFX Magazine EP 10710592
Full PoweR fixation US 8.915.006 EP 10757801
Power system regulation US 8.833.354 EP 117677738
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